Each year the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia participates in a range of industry consultative panels.
General Aviation Advisory Group (GAAG)
The General Aviation Advisory Group (GA Advisory Group) was announced by the Australian Government in October 2016 to provide advice to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on matters affecting the General Aviation (GA) sector. The GA Advisory Group operates as a forum where industry representatives can identify opportunities to work collaboratively to respond to pressures facing the GA sector. [Learn More]
Australian General Aviation Alliance (AGAA)
AOPA, SAAA and AMROBA came together to form the Australian General Aviation Alliance (AGAA) in January 2018. [Learn More]
Regional Airspace and Procedures Advisory Panel (RAPAC)
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia is a member of the RAPAC consultative panels in each state and territory of Australia. [Learn More]
Civil Aviation Safety Authority Technical Working Groups (TWGs)
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia is a participant in a range of CASA technical working groups. [Learn More]
International Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (iAOPA)
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia is a founding member of iAOPA, a nonprofit federation of 73 autonomous, non-governmental, national general aviation organizations. IAOPA has represented international general aviation for more than 35 years. [Learn More]