Challenging CASA: The Costs of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

, RegulatoryChallenging CASA: The Costs of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

Challenging CASA: The Costs of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

November 14, 2019 By Benjamin Morgan
AOPA Australia Legal Director JOHN MAITLAND provides an opinion on unfair and unreasonable action by CASA that results in significant legal costs in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and offers a solution to fix it.
While it is true that many CASA officers diligently perform their duty to the flying public to act reasonably and fairly in the performance of their duties, it ...This content...

While it is true that many CASA officers diligently perform their duty to the flying public to act reasonably and fairly in the performance of their duties, it ...

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Benjamin Morgan

Executive Director - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) of Australia

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